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Staying Profitable AND Ethical in Tough Economic Times
The market is crashing. Housing has tanked. Retirement savings are evaporating. If ever the temptation to cut corners, to bend the rules raises its head, now would be the time.
A word of advice: Don't! In a down economy, it's even more crucial to be the kind of company people want to do business with, and that gives you a big edge to survive and even thrive in troubled times.
Making Corporate Responsibility Sexy: Building and Marketing a Culture of Business Success Through Ethics.
How Business Ethics is Like Spinach: Don't Make It Mushy—Make It Mouth-Watering
Too often, when you get served spinach, you get a shapeless, overcooked, flavorless mess. Yet, when properly prepared, spinach is a gourmet treat that warms the taste buds and makes you feel like spring.
Similarly, ethics is too often forced down the throats of unwilling students and business leaders "because it's good for you." It keeps you out of jail and has lots of vitamins and iron, but it may not feel good, or feel profitable.
Yet ethics, served properly, can be the magic key that unlocks the future of successful, profitable, sustainable businesses. It's not only good for you, it's the gourmet treat that makes it all worthwhile. It builds long-term customer, supplier, and employee relationships that actually make it much easier to succeed, if you understand how to position the enterprise to harness the benefits it creates.
Green is Gold: How to be Market More Profitably by Being More Green
Suddenly, Green is chic. Everybody's buzzing about climate change, carbon footprints, alternative energy, and more.
And if you have a business that takes Green positions--particularly if this is a long-lasting part of your operation that predates the current fad, but even if you're new to it--you can convert that buzz into very profitable dollars
Cross-Marketing: How to Turn Competitors and Complementary Businesses Into Partners
We've all been trained to beat down our competitors at every turn, because we've been living in the scarcity model. Shifting from scarcity to abundance--knowing that there IS enough to go around-changes your competitors from threats to marketing agents. The shift takes some time and energy, but the rewards are worth it. Instead of carving up tiny pieces of a finite pie, you keep expanding the pie and having enough for a second helping.
Turning Your Values Into Sales: Effectively Marketing Your Social/Environmental Commitment:
Is your company's commitment to improve the world a "best-kept secret?" Or are you openly using your values in your marketing, but not getting the results you want? Learn how to get the most possible marketing value out of your values. Treating the earth with respect, providing a healthy and welcoming atmosphere for employees, donating a portion of your profits, supporting social and environmental goals--are all marketing points to help you stand out in your prospects' mind. Harness these points to build not only sales, but customer loyalty--to the point that they become part of your unpaid word-of-mouth army of fans and ambassadors.
Embracing Abundance: How to Get Past "Market Share" to What's Really Important
How to Be a Success in Business and Still Hold Your Head Up High:
We've learned a lot about how NOT to do business from the likes of Enron and Arthur Andersen. The crooked approach doesn't work; eventually, it catches up with you. Fortunately, it's actually easier to run a business based on integrity, honesty, quality, and value. You'll have better profits, better health-and when you look in the mirror, you'll see someone to be proud of!
Turn Customers Into Raving Fans! Energize Your Clients Into Sales Ambassadors
When you make a purchase, is it in spite of the firm’s marketing … or because of it? The best marketing is non-intrusive, reaches the right prospects—and tells them how and why your offer can solve their problem or improve their lives. The way to get clients isn't to beat your chest and say how great you are—it's to identify and solve your prospects' problems, meet your prospects' needs! Learn the secret of turning other people's problems into your opportunity, and watch your business grow. Learn to focus marketing efforts on benefits to the client or customer, rather than product features: keep it “you” focused, not “me/we” focused.
Sales From a Marketing Mindset:
Most studies say it costs at least four times more to get a new client as to retain an existing one. To the skilled marketer working in sales, this means three important things: 1) If you're spending all that money to go after new business, do it as effectively as possible. Nurture the leads you get from your sales force, website, trade show appearances, etc. 2) Romance your existing customers to build those long-term--and cost-effective marketing relationships. 3) Learn to identify the most likely prospects, and how to spend your sales efforts on them, instead of wasting them talking to non-prospects
The "Triangle of Expertise"-How to Turn Marketing from a Cost into a Direct Revenue Stream:
Are you getting paid to do your own marketing? If not, why not? At least some of your marketing should be earning money not only in the new customers it brings, but in direct transactional sales where people actually pay to receive it.
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